Monday, June 27, 2011

Bryan Family

Here's proof that it IS, in fact, possible to survive an outdoor photo session in Arizona.  During the summer.  In Arizona.  Did I mention this was during the summer in Arizona?
The Bryans are a beautiful example of a young family with bitty kids.  They were all smiles and laughter, and their two little boys were hilarious.  Little Miss was equally adorable and fun.  What a fun morning with these guys!  Here are some highlights:

Sweet, delicious baby! (No, I didn't eat her...)

Can I just tell you how much I love my new props and backdrops?  Just in time, too, as I've had more bookings for new babies lately.  Possibly my favorite subjects!  These pictures make me a teensy bit baby hungry, but my willpower is great...

For your viewing pleasure, I present the Copple kids:

Baby Lexi and sibs

A did a session with a super cute little family that stopped here in the valley on the way to New Mexico.  We didn't have much time, but we were able to get a few adorable pictures of their three kids.  Honestly, I felt a little (scratch that - a LOT of)admiration for this family - to be in the middle of a move with 3 kiddos - one being a newborn, AND have the organization for scheduling and getting ready for a photo shoot?  Whew!  Amazing!  Good luck you guys!